The Versatile Ranch Horse is a horse that one would choose to do a day's work;
it is a horse that is willing, able and smooth at his job; it is a horse that is capable of performing different tasks when asked, with a good attitude. To be shown in everyday working ranch apparel and equipment. Silver, banding, clipping is discouraged.
Open Ranch/Performance Horse Show
CALL BEFORE YOU HAUL to check on class schedule..830-265-8048
CLINIC Friday will cover the classes for the following day
SHOW classes Saturday
1. Working ranch horse
2. Ranch reining
3. Ranch pleasure
4. Stock horse pleasure
5. Ranch trail
6. Performance trail
7. Western pleasure W/J
8. Western pleasure
9. Western horsemanship
10. Western mystery class
11. Poles
12. Flag race
13. Flying W
14. Straights
15. Cloverleaf barrels
High Points: Ranch, Performance, Speed (18&under and 19&over)
*Complete entry form to be emailed or you can sign up the day of*
Come ready to rope, load, dismount, spin, carry, drag, lope, pivot, extend the trot, sidepass, rollback, jump, groundtie, cross water, lopeover, and in no particular order!!
Riders to work individually. To be judged on the horse and rider's ability to cut a certain cow out of a herd, hold the cow from returning to the herd. Riders may hire 4 helpers. Riders may cut at least one cow, but not more than two. Credits include the ease and smoothness of the horse and rider to cut the cow, cutting the CORRECT cow and keeping it from returning to the herd, control. Penalties include cutting the incorrect cow, losing the cow to the herd, unnecessary roughness or disturbing the herd.
*Clock will be set at 2-1/2 minutes to complete each run. This is not a speed event!
** The exhibitor is allowed two herd holders who will be in a position to keep the herd from leaving the working end of the arena. Once the exhibitor signals to his herd holders that he is going to drive the cow to the pen, the herd holders must move to one side of the arena, and allow the exhibitor to drive the cow past them.
Riders to work individually. To be judged on the completeness and correctness of a simple reining pattern, and then judged on the ability to hold a single cow (box), then turn that cow down the fence (fencing), and then circling the cow. The three manuvuers judged will be ability to trail, abiltiy to rate, and abiltiy to stop the cow. Credits include performing correct gaits and transitions in the pattern, showing control of the cow, effectively turning the cow, being in the correct position to control the cow. Penalties include failure to complete or incorrectness in the pattern, being out of position or losing control of the cow.
*Exhibitors will have the option at the end of their cow work to either rope the cow, or circle the cow both directions. Exhibitors may be asked to open/close gate in this class.
Riders to work individually. To be judged over a course of at least five ranch obstacles. Judged on the horse and rider's ability to negotiate and complete the trail course. Credits include willingness and obedience of the horse, alert attitude of the horse, and the overall efficiency of the team. Penalties include refusal or skipping an obstacle, hitting or knocking over an obstacle, nervousness or reluctance of the horse at an obstacle.
Optional obstacles: water hazard, hobble or ground tie, slicker, carry item, bridge, crossing, over logs, stationary steer, back, sidepass.
*Open, Amateur, and Youth riders required to open/close gate, and rope, and drag.
** All other divisions are not required to open/close gate, or rope, or drag.
As per AQHA rules, ranch riding and ranch trail will be shown back to back. Each exhibitor will perform the trail obstacles and then immediately perform the ranch riding pattern along the rail. Riders will be asked to show the walk, jog, extend the trot, and lope in both directions. Credits include horse traveling with his head held in a normal position, ears alert, positive attitude of the horse, correct gaits when directed, consistency and natural speed of each gait. Penalties include incorrect gait, unwillingness or sourness in a gait, head tossing, inconsistency in speed.
*Open, Amateur, Youth may be asked to extend the lope.
Riders to compete as a group in their division. All horses will line up in the arena in line of their respective divisions. To be shown in your everyday halter. To be judged solely on the horse's conformation; balance, structural correctness, uniformity, and soundness.
Content copyright 2010. Kelly Haydon. All rights reserved.
To follow as closely as possible to AQHA rules. Some adaptations necessary.
To be eligible for the title of a Ranch Versatility Champion, exhibitor must show same horse in all classes in one division.
A contestant may finish the year in whatever division they start in, with the exception of NeverWonABuckle, which is open to riders who have never won any kind of buckle.
Novice Rider division is open to those riders who have not won three (3) RHV Champion awards.
Green Horse division is open to those horses in their first year of showing, any kind of show; the year starts with their first show.
A rider may win only one versatility award (high point) per show.
Classes will be held regardless of the number of entries.
A division must have 3 entries in order for a Versatility award to be given. Ribbons 1st thru 5th place.
Decision of the judge is final. No contestant can be disqualified from a class, but if the exhibitor does not attempt a maneuver, a zero will be marked for that maneuver.
Management reserves the right to make changes to the class schedule or show format if necessary. Working ranch apparel and equipment is encouraged. Silver, banding, clipping is discouraged. Not penalized for riding in two hands as long as exhibitor starts the class in two hands.
A contestant may show an unlimited number of horses where riders work individually. No horse ownership requirements. No registration papers required. Negative coggins required upon entry of show grounds. All exhbitors must sign a release.